Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Moley, moley, Guacamole!

I don't know if you've ever had store bought guacamole, but it's pretty disgusting. I've broken down and bought a couple in my life, not wanting to put in the effort to make my own, and they were always so terrible I couldn't eat them. Many people think they hate guacamole, because that's all they've had. This fresh, homemade version will win over anyone.. well, at least if they like avocados even a little bit. Creamy, yummy, fatty.. how could you not love them?

The hardest part of making guacamole is getting nice, ripe avocados. This is an art. Squeeze them a little... if they're hard, they need to sit on your counter for a week. If they're super soft.. too late, don't buy them. It's right in the middle where you want them, if you're going to eat them today. Often you have to plan ahead because at the grocery store, they are usually in the hard stage and need a good week to ripen. Once you have 2-3 ripe avocados, you're good to go!

When making guacamole I recommend you hand chop everything, getting the ingredients pretty small.. they're all just complements to the avocado, and the end result should be somewhat smooth and not have huge chunks of tomatoes or onions, or wet mush if you use a food processor.. so work on your knife skills and hand chop those ingredients tiny.

What you need:
3 Ripe Avocados
1/2 Tomato, chopped into tiny bits
1/2 medium red onion, chopped into tiny bits
2 Garlic cloves, more if you like a lot of garlic.. it's good for your heart! chopped into super tiny bits
1 Jalapeno (2 for hotter, 0 for no heat)  I use 2. Remove the seeds and rinse the pepper, then chop into tiny bits
1/4 cup Cilantro, chopped into tiny bits
A little lime juice, to taste, roughly 1 tbs.
A little salt, to taste, roughly 2 tsp.
    "To taste" means you have add these a little at a time, mix up your guacamole each time, and taste.. best part of being a chef!

It's pretty simple, chop everything, mix it, add lime juice and salt to taste, and you have homemade guac!

Chop your onion.
Chop your jalapeno.
Chop your tomato.
 Chop your garlic.
This is a good estimate for the amount of Cilantro.
Chop it up finely, you don't want leaves in your guacamole.
Cut the avocado in a circle around the pit, then pop out the pit using a spoon or knife, carefully!
Carefully cut cubes into the avocado down to the skin, this will make it easier to mush in the next step. Then scoop it all our with a spoon.
Combine everything together in the bowl, and use a fork to mush the avocado into a relatively smooth puree, leaving little chunks of avocado in there. Then season with lime juice and salt to taste.
Voila! Home made guacamole.. it's really pretty simple, and always a hit. Once you make it a few times you'll be able to breeze through the recipe!

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