That's right, it's strawberry season! So get out there and pick your own or hit up the local farmer's market!
Check out this wonderful pick your own site: and find the closest farm to you.
This is my first time making strawberry jam, so I grabbed a box of fruit pectin from the grocery store and followed the instructions on the box. It's a little cumbersome the first time you do some canning, but you get the hang of it quick.
1. Sterilize your bottles and lids in the boiling water for around 15 minutes.
2. Cook down your mushed strawberries with the pectin and sugar. Bring them to a boil for 10 minutes. I used around 1/2 cup sugar per cup mushed berries. 8 cups berry mush = 4 cups sugar. 2 teaspons pectin powder, 2 teaspoons calcium water (came with the pectin)
3. skim off the white foam that forms at the top of the pot.
4. Pour in jars, leave 1/4" at the top, put on the lids tight
5. Boil the jars in your water bath for 15 minutes.
That's about it! Homemade jams!
Once you open the jar, it'll be good about 3 weeks in the fridge!
Next batch, I'm going to try a different recipe and see if I can improve the deliciousness!